What is the Cities Race to Zero?
Like any race, Race to Zero has many tracks for different stakeholders. Cities Race to Zero is the official track for cities. It is especially designed to help them meet the “Race” criteria and access the best available expertise along the way.
The Cities Race to Zero is organised by C40 Cities, the Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy (GCoM), ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability (ICLEI), United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG), CDP, the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) and the World Resources Institute (WRI). It is an official partner and the city track of the COP26 Race to Zero, designed to help cities meet the Race’s commitment criteria using the best available tools and expertise available.
Cities Race to Zero is a campaign for cities by cities to inspire commitments and action from their peers around the world and channel the best available tools and expertise to help them stay on track with 1.5°C. The objective of Cities Race to Zero is to recruit 1000 cities by COP26.
How do I join Cities Race to Zero?
To join Cities Race to Zero please go to the online portal at: where the mayor, council leader (or equivalent) is asked to sign the Cities Race to Zero pledge and follow the step by step process to completing your Cities Race to Zero commitment.
The Cities Race to Zero pledge is fully aligned with the criteria of the Race to Zero and specifically designed to speak to cities and direct them to the most impactful climate actions for the community. It is also aligned with the Global Covenant of Mayors commitments.
You will be invited to take the Cities Race to Zero pledge through a secured online form. Once you have submitted your pledge we will direct you to the next relevant step for your city: i.e. , disclosure, target setting, action planning or reporting and point you to the relevant resources along the way.
What is the Cities Race to Zero pledge?
The Cities Race to Zero pledge, that we require cities to sign to be a part of the Race, is fully aligned with the required minimum criteria of the Race to Zero. Cities should sign it online at
The Cities Race to Zero pledge asks that you do the following:
1. Publicly endorse the following principles:
We recognise the global climate emergency.
We are committed to keeping global heating below the 1.5°Celsius goal of the Paris Agreement.
We are committed to putting inclusive climate action at the center of all urban decision-making, to create thriving and equitable communities for everyone.
We invite our partners – political leaders, CEOs, trade unions, investors, and civil society – to join us in recognising the global climate emergency and help us deliver on science-based action to overcome it.
2. Pledge to reach (net)-zero in the 2040s or sooner, or by mid-century at the latest, in line with global efforts to limit warming to 1.5°Celsius.
3. In advance of COP26, explain what steps will be taken toward achieving net zero, especially in the short- to medium-term. Set an interim target to achieve in the next decade, which reflects a fair share of the 50% global reduction in CO2 by 2030 identified in the IPCC Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5°Celsius.
4. Immediately proceed to planning at least one inclusive and equitable climate action as listed on that will help to place your city on a resilient pathway consistent with the 1.5°Celsius objective of the Paris Agreement and begin implementation no later than 2022.
Report progress annually, beginning no later than 2022 to your usual or the recommended reporting platform.
As a member of the Cities Race to Zero, will I gain access to other initiatives?
Joining the Cities Race to Zero is compatible with the following partner initiatives:
Global Covenant of Mayors City Commitments: your pledge meets the GCoM requirements for mitigation targets and may be paired with commitments to climate resilience and energy access for full compliance with the Common Reporting Framework. More information and support will be available through your Regional Covenant:
ICLEI: through ICLEI Climate Neutrality Framework embedded in its GreenClimateCities (GCC) Program the ICLEI network will receive guidance on how to accelerate climate action through ICLEI’s 5 Pathways to urban sustainability. Reporting via the GCC is done through the CDP-ICLEI Unified Reporting System. Please visit:
CDP: Race to Zero reporting can be done through the CDP-ICLEI Unified Reporting System. CDP’s free to use platform streamlines your climate reporting to different initiatives, such as GCoM. It improves transparency, offers access to events and webinars, and provides insights to identify areas where you can improve:
The C40 Global Green New Deal: The Cities Race to Zero is part of C40’s broader effort to build a Global Green New Deal coalition of cities, governments, businesses, labor unions, investors, youth, and civil society to deliver inclusive climate action and a green and just recovery from COVID-19, consistent with the goals of the Paris Agreement. The Cities Race to Zero commitment qualifies any city to be a part of the C40 Global Green New Deal coalition. C40 will be in touch with signatories about how they can participate.
The One Planet City Challenge (OPCC): with your pledge and progress reporting we invite you to participate in this friendly global competition where cities’ climate action plans are assessed and frontrunners are recognized. The OPCC also provides guidance on science-based targets, and strategic feedback on your climate action package:
UCLG: through its Ecological Transition Strategy will promote city engagement in a path towards the Race to Zero. It will further facilitate the engagement of other city networks through the Global Taskforce.
Do I need to join Cities Race to Zero to be part of the Race to Zero?
Yes. Like any race, Race to Zero has many tracks for many different stakeholders (businesses, regions, investors, universities, etc.). Cities Race to Zero is the track for cities. It is especially designed to help them meet the Race’s criteria and access the best available expertise along the way. All cities joining the Cities Race to Zero are automatically then part of the larger Race to Zero. It is not possible to join the Race to Zero directly via the UNFCCC or COP26 website.
When should I join the Cities Race to Zero?
Cities can join the Race to Zero via the Cities Race to Zero portal at any time before COP26.
Who should sign the Cities Race to Zero pledge?
We ask that only mayors, council leaders of equivalent individuals at the head of their city or local government sign the pledge. Staff members may fill the online form on their behalf with their authorisation.
When will my commitment be announced?
After submitting your signed pledge via the Cities Race to Zero platform, the team will check it for completeness and will be in touch with you if needed. Your pledge will not be announced right away.
New commitments to the Race to Zero are announced at momentous occasions where we believe they can have the biggest impact with the media, global community and send effective signals to the national governments parties of the UNFCCC who are expected to enhance their own climate pledges.
New commitments will be celebrated during a drumbeat of events and announcements leading up to COP26 in Glasgow, Nov 1-12 2021.
Previous Race to Zero announcements were made at the 2019 UNSG’s Climate Action Summit, COP25, New York Climate Week 2020, the 2020 Race to Zero Dialogues and the 2020 Climate Ambition Summit.
Will cities know in advance when their commitment will be announced?
Yes, cities will be informed when their commitments will officially be announced.
When can I announce my commitment?
Cities can announce their Race to Zero commitment at any point after it has been formally announced by the Cities Race to Zero campaign. A communications toolkit will be shared with the Cities Race to Zero signatory cities to support them in communicating their commitment and promoting the Cities Race to Zero.
What should I do after joining Cities Race to Zero?
After crossing the starting line of the Race to Zero, cities should immediately take action on their pledge:
Start developing and adopting climate targets consistent with a 1.5°C trajectory, including developing and adopting a 2030 target (that represents your city’s fair share of the global 50% emissions reduction needed) and a target to reach net-zero emissions by 2050 at the latest.
Commit to at least one action ahead of COP26 from the Cities Race to Zero actions catalogue.
Report the information you have in 2021, even if incomplete, then by 2022 report your target and thereafter report progress annually on your usual reporting platform or the recommended one.
Cities Race to Zero partners are available all along the way to support cities in their race.
What support is available to cities who join the Cities Race to Zero ?
We are conscious that not all cities will easily be able to meet the ambitious criteria of the Race to Zero, which is by design about high ambition in accordance with science. However the Cities Race to Zero partners are striving to give newly committed cities the simplest and most supportive experience possible. Technical support, resources and tools developed by the partners are forthcoming.
In the meantime, the following are presently available:
A guide to develop science-based climate targets, developed by the Science Based Targets Network’s core cities partners is available to all cities with guidance on different target setting methodologies.
A catalogue of actions has been compiled by the Cities Race to Zero partners to help cities choose the most relevant action to commit to as part of their pledge. Deriving from the science-based C40 Declarations and built on a framework of equity and inclusion. Research shows that these actions can deliver 90%-100% of the emission reductions required by 2030 on the pathway to neutrality. They have been put together for the Cities Race to Zero - per sector - ranging across different levels of ambition so that cities can commit to at least one action based on where they are in their particular climate action journey. Should a city find no action they can commit to, there is room to propose additional ones. These actions are consistent with the principles of the Global Green New Deal and are appropriate for both Global South and Global North cities alike.
Knowledge Hub resources: technical information, implementation guides, policy briefs and case studies for the actions in the catalogue are available on the C40 Knowledge Hub along with resources from partners too.
A Climate Action Planning Resource Centre, developed by C40: a wide range of resources and tools to support city climate planners in the process of delivering action consistent with the objectives of the Paris Agreement.
The One Planet City Challenge (OPCC), provides strategic feedback to participating cities to guide them on the most effective action plans and science based targets aligned with the Race to Zero criteria.
Targets and reporting
What should my city do if it already has a science-based 1.5°C compliant climate target?
You should report it through the Cities Race to Zero reporting platforms in 2021: CDP-ICLEI Unified Reporting System. Science Based targets will be assessed and feedback provided to help select and improve measures to reach that target and be recognised for your contribution.
If you don’t currently report using CDP-ICLEI Unified Reporting System, make sure you have provided this information in your pledge (choose: I don’t currently report in the dropdown menu). You will be contacted by someone at Cities Race to Zero for guidance on reporting. If you have any questions please contact
What should I do if my city does not currently have a science-based 1.5°C compliant climate target?
You will need to start developing one or updating your existing target, then adopt and report it no later than by 2022. The good news is that the CRTZ partners have allocated people and resources to help you develop a SBT using the appropriate methodology.
If doing this yourself or with outside help we recommend that you use the Science Based Targets methodology guide released by the Science-Based Targets Network (SBTN), to learn more about science-based targets and the most appropriate methodology for your city. The Cities Race to Zero partners can provide guidance and support in this process. If you need guidance please contact us at
If you don’t currently report, make sure you have provided this information in your pledge (choose: I don’t currently report in the dropdown menu). You will be contacted by someone at Cities Race to Zero for guidance on reporting. If you have any questions please contact us at
What should I do if I’m not sure if my city’s target is science-based and 1.5°C compliant?
First you will need to make sure it is reported through the Cities Race to Zero verified platforms: CDP-ICLEI Unified Reporting System. Only reported targets can be evaluated against the Cities Race to Zero criteria. Someone from Cities Race to Zero team will be in touch if your target needs updating . Your updated target should be reported no later than 2022.
If you don’t currently report, make sure you have provided this information in your pledge (choose: I don’t currently report in the dropdown menu). You will be contacted by someone at Cities Race to Zero for guidance on reporting. If you have any questions please contact us at
Do I need to report annually on both my science based target and climate action?
Yes, reporting on progress for Cities Race to Zero is important to enable tracking of progress against commitments. Begin by reporting the information you have in 2021, even if this is incomplete. For cities who report annually to CDP-ICLEI Unified Reporting System, there is no additional reporting requirement.
My city has not been reporting its climate data publicly due to lack of capacity. What can I expect from this process?
For cities already familiar with reporting through the CDP-ICLEI Unified Reporting System there will be no added reporting effort required. In 2021, cities that have not reported before will get support to ease them into the process to ensure this transition is not burdensome. Contact for more information.