Reporting to the Global Covenant of Mayors (GCoM) in 2021 webinar
5:00 pm17:00

Reporting to the Global Covenant of Mayors (GCoM) in 2021 webinar

Interested in reporting to the Global Covenant of Mayors (GCoM) in 2021? Join us to learn about how to report your inventories and fulfil the requirements of the Common Reporting Framework (CRF) to qualify for GCoM badges. This webinar will also cover the 2021 validation process and we will run through the tools and guidance CDP and ICLEI provide to speed up the reporting process and to improve your data quality.

Register here

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Joining the Cities Race to Zero - webinar
12:00 am00:00

Joining the Cities Race to Zero - webinar

Cities worldwide are raising ambition and aiming for net zero. Join this webinar to learn how to join them in the international Race to Zero campaign from the UNFCCC's High Level Climate Champions. This webinar will give you an overview of the Cities Race to Zero: its aims, benefits and the steps involved in making a Race to Zero commitment. It will also cover how Cities Race to Zero relates to other initiatives and projects.

Register here

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Better a Future Australia - Lift Your Gaze: Australian Local Government Climate Action on the World Stage
10:30 am10:30

Better a Future Australia - Lift Your Gaze: Australian Local Government Climate Action on the World Stage

A discussion on why the next UNFCCC Conference Of Parties (COP26) is critical for local governments aiming to address climate change and how Australian councils can work under one national umbrella group over the next 12 months to lead local climate action and help drive the global climate agenda.

Learn more and event registration

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Race to Zero Dialogues
to 19 Nov

Race to Zero Dialogues

The Race To Zero Dialogues (9-19 November) are critical inputs to the UNFCCC Climate Dialogues from 23 Nov – Dec 4 to accelerate progress to meet the Paris Agreement. Together, both Dialogues will set the stage for the Anniversary of the Paris Agreement on 12 December as the world embarks on the ‘Race to Zero’ towards COP26 in 2021.

Each ‘Race to Zero’ virtual dialogue is organised by a key partner, under an umbrella programme curated by the High-Level Champions - topics range from zero carbon transition for transport and industries, to financing a healthy and resilient climate and improving resilience.

View the programme

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Daring Cities 2020 (global online forum)
to 28 Oct

Daring Cities 2020 (global online forum)

Daring Cities is the global, action-oriented virtual forum, designed by ICLEI and the city of Bonn, to empower urban leaders - such as mayors, city councilors, administrators, and urban thought leaders, as well as national government representatives, researchers, technical staff, business leaders, civil society decision-makers and community organizers - to tackle the climate crisis, especially in light of the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Unlocking City Ambition Virtual Roundtable
12:00 am00:00

Unlocking City Ambition Virtual Roundtable

GCoM and Google will be hosting a virtual roundtable discussion on September 30, 2020 with local leaders. Broadcasted over Youtube, we will discuss the importance of supporting cities through a global green recovery, share lessons from cities on the forefront of using new insights, and identify key opportunities to make data available at scale. We invite you to join us, learn more about the event, add it to your calendar by visiting

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Snapshot Update: Google's Environmental Insight Explorer; Community GHG Emissions Game-Changer; GCoM Reporting; and More
11:00 am11:00

Snapshot Update: Google's Environmental Insight Explorer; Community GHG Emissions Game-Changer; GCoM Reporting; and More

Ironbark Sustainability is hosting a webinar to bring Australian councils up to date with the latest developments in the Snapshot tool. News includes how Snapshot was highlighted on the ABC’s Fight for Planet A through BZE’s Zero Carbon Communities program. Ironbark has also announced a new partnership with Google to integrate better transport data from Google’s Environmental Insights Explorer (EIE) into Snapshot for councils.

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Second National Roundtable on climate
10:00 am10:00

Second National Roundtable on climate

The Roundtable will be held from 10.00am to 4.00pm on Thursday 6 June 2019, at the Ann Harding Conference Centre, Building 24 at the University of Canberra. (Map)  (Refreshments at 4pm at the conclusion of the Roundtable.)

You must register by Tuesday 4th June for us to organise catering. 

Register for the Second Roundtable here: REGISTRATION

ICLEI OceaniaGlobal Covenant of Mayors (GCoM) and Canberra Urban & Regional Futures (CURF) at the University of Canberra are facilitating a Second National Roundtable on the Paris Agreement and local governments’ climate action.

Roundtable highlights will include presentations from the European Union Ambassador H.E. Dr Michael Pulch, the Ambassador of Denmark Mr Tom Nørring, Lord Mayor of Hobart Cr Anna Reynolds, former Deputy Chief Minister ACT Government & University of Canberra Adjunct Professor Simon Corbell, First Vice President ICLEI World Secretariat Cr Cathy Oke, as well as National, State and Local Government leaders.

Climate change was a major focus of the recent Australian Federal Election campaign with all sectors of the community, business, NGOs and local government demanding real action. We have witnessed the climate emergency challenge gain momentum with communities, school students, local councils and now nations declaring action. Real action should be measured, shared and part of a comprehensive approach to ensure it contributes to our National or State Targets.

The re-elected Coalition Government will face a challenge to meet our Nationally Determined Commitments (NDC) and it should motivate us to a doubling of our efforts for a stronger promotion of energy and climate policy and support programs to assist in meeting ambitious national renewable energy and emissions targets. What is still to be recognised is a coherent multi-government action plan for engagement and cooperative action.

The role of local government as both a facilitator for community ambition and a significant player in future planning in the transition to a low-carbon future is crucial. It begs the question; can we meet our Paris targets or State and Territory targets without buy-in from local councils and communities?

Internationally many Governments, including the European Union, support local government’s pivotal climate role. State Governments have various programs engaging local councils. The European Commission, through its Strategic Partnerships for the Implementation of the Paris Agreement (SPIPA), is supporting this Australia wide consultation.

This Second Roundtable will consider the findings of the national consultation that has examined a range of State Government, LG Associations and NGO programs and resources targeted at the local government sector. This is for the purpose of establishing consistent approaches, synergies and partnerships through use of a common reporting framework as promoted by the Global Covenant of Mayors (GCoM) and already adopted by 9300+ signatories worldwide.

The Roundtable will be a chance for participants to help map a pathway of action to support local councils to provide the innovation and planning necessary for a just transition to a low-carbon future while confronting and responding to climate risks and challenges. It will also highlight the possible roles of key stakeholders in establishing unified efforts and consistent support for local councils as key implementation partners; and that these actions are counted as part of our Paris commitments and State based ambitions.

The Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy (GCoM), is supported by ICLEI Oceania which has teamed with Canberra Urban & Regional Futures (CURF) at the University of Canberra to convene this Second Roundtable to support local government climate action.  Accordingly, ICLEI Oceania Chair Cr Kim Le Cerf and CURF Director Professor Barbara Norman invite you as a key advocate and influencer in our national climate challenge to attend this Second Roundtable which is to be held from 10.00am to 4.00pm on Thursday 6 June 2019, at the Ann Harding Conference Centre, Building 24 at the University of Canberra.  (Refreshments at 4pm at the conclusion of the Roundtable.)

The Roundtable will be held from 10.00am to 4.00pm on Thursday 6 June 2019, at the Ann Harding Conference Centre, Building 24 at the University of Canberra. (Map)  (Refreshments at 4pm at the conclusion of the Roundtable.)

You must register by Tuesday 4th June for us to organise catering. 

Register for the Second Roundtable here: REGISTRATION

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This event is organized with the financial support of the European Union in the frame of the Strategic Partnerships for the Implementation of the Paris Agreement (SPIPA) programme. The contents of this event are the sole responsibility of the speakers and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.

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The programme Strategic Partnerships for the Implementation of the Paris Agreement (SPIPA) is jointly commissioned by the European Commission as a Foreign Policy Instrument Action and the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety in the context of the International Climate Initiative (IKI). SPIPA is implemented by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH.  

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Webinar: How to report to the One Planet City Challenge - scope, plan, submit
10:00 pm22:00

Webinar: How to report to the One Planet City Challenge - scope, plan, submit

Cities wishing to participate in the One Planet City Challenge (OPCC) are invited to report their climate ambitions through CDP and ICLEI’s unified reporting system. This Tutorial Webinar will guide participants on how to use the system and successfully submit data to the OPCC.

The OPCC assesses the gap between a city's current emissions and the safe range (limiting global warming to 1.5 °C). We also advise on high impact reduction actions.

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Global Covenant of Mayors Roundtable
3:00 pm15:00

Global Covenant of Mayors Roundtable

The Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy (GCoM), through its regional lead ICLEI Oceania has partnered with Canberra Urban & Regional Futures (CURF) at the University of Canberra to convene a Roundtable to explore how national and state governments, academia, business, NGOs, institutes and agencies can support Australian cities and local governments through the Global Covenant of Mayors program.
CURF Director Professor Barbara Norman and GCoM Oceania Regional Director Mr Bernie Cotter have invited key advocates and influencers in a national climate challenge to attend a Roundtable to be held on Wednesday 27 March 2019 at the University of Canberra

The aim of the Roundtable will be to kick-start the framing of a national pathway for climate change action that recognises city and local effort. Roundtable discussions will explore the benefits of national support and recognition, synergies with existing programs and activities, and opportunities for partnership and support.  In this way the collective effort from Australian cities and communities can be better recognised. In addition to these discussions, the Roundtable will include short presentations from leading climate change advocates and proponents of transformative climate change action in local and regional jurisdictions. 

This event is by invitation only.

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